Advanced affiliate program software
What is YOURaff?
YOURaff uses a MySQL database and comes with many advanced features. It is suited for
the most demanding customers and will run large affiliate programs
on websites with thousands of visitors every day!
High performance and security at affordable price - that is what
YOURaff is all about! You will pay $500-800 and more for similar software - read
further down to see what YOURaff costs!
A more detailed view ...
- a UNIX type server
- Perl 5 and an e-mail program installed on the server
- permission to run CGI scripts on the server and a FTP access
- 1 MySQL database
Note: If you don't have a MySQL database and/or you don't need all the
functions YOURaff has to offer have a look at
our YOURcom™ software!
- easy to install and configure, FREE installation with purchase
- MySQL database for maximum performance and security!
- supports both banners (all sizes) and text ads!
- banners and text ads come with statistics (Impressions, clicks, click-through percent, EPC)
- banners and text ads can link to homepage or any other web page (great for special promotions or in-depth affiliate promotion)
- uses confirmation e-mail to prevent unsolicited signups or administrator can choose to manually review each affiliate application
before confirming signup (great if quality affiliates are needed)
- pay your affiliates a flat commission, "percent of the order value" and/or Pay Per Click (for every unique visitor the send to your web site)
- Admin area with easy tools to view/edit affiliate program, affiliate info, banners, text ads, add/reset earnings, use an optional field
to collect additional information from affiliates, e-mail utility, powerful affiliate search utility and more!
- User area with user editor and HTML code generator
- Easy to implement into your existing store/purchase forms:
- just add an <IMG> tag with the value of purchase on your "Thank you" page.
For a $100 purchase you would add <IMG src="path/to/youraff/com.cgi?n=i&d=100"> and the
program will automatically calculate commission and add it to referrer's account.
- After the purchase instead of redirecting your customers to the "Thank you" page, redirect them
to com.cgi with the value of purchase. The program will calculate commission, add it to your referrers account and redirect customer to the "Thank you" page.
For a $100 purchase you would redirect your customer to "path/to/youraff/com.cgi?n=p∓d=100". This way is more appropriate if you
sell many items
- Easy integration with 2checkout, PayPal (requires Premier or
Business PayPal account. Please visit PayPal
for more information) and many other 3rd party credit card processors/shopping carts!
- Possibility to credit new affiliates with a bonus (so you can attract
affiliates with "Get $X just for signing up!")
- Two-tier program - credit affiliates for referring new webmasters and/or
they earn % of what their referrals earn
- You can easily pass extra custom information to the sales log file by altering
com.cgi URL (.../com.cgi?n=i&d=100&c=My+custom+information+that+will+be+logged)
- Easy editable header and footer of the interface! Together with editing
youraff.css file you can make YOURaff interface easily look like the rest of your site!
- Easy to translate to any language!
- Friendly interface
YOURaff™ in action
For security reasons changing any information in the demo has been disabled
and will result in an error!
Demo User area (ID=1, Password=demo)
Demo Admin area (Password=demo)
How much does it cost? This is the best part ...
Buy YOURaff NOW for only

Prices will change soon, this is a limited time offer!
Buy YOURaff now and get FREE installation support!
We accept PayPal, StormPay, all major credit cards and off-line orders!
Have YOURaff™ remotely hosted for $20.00 For
a small monthly fee of $20.00 we will host YOURaff™ for you and you don't have
to buy the program itself! More info here
More info
Please contact us to request further information or ask a question!